

Niles and Guild, Both Law School Students, Compete for Jackson Cup

The finals of the University Tennis Tournament will be played this afternoon between E. A. Niles 3L. and H. R. Guild 2L. at Divinity Field at 4 o'clock. L. A. deTurenne '21, captain of the University team, will referee the match. The Philip Nathaniel Jackson Cup, now on exhibition at Leavitt and Pierce's, will be taken to the court and awarded to the winner. The grandstand will be reserved for spectators.

Both the finalists have had a good deal of experience. Niles played on the Trinity team for two years and on the Christ Church team at Oxford University. Guild, while not a member of any particular team, has played in several tournaments. In 1916 he defeated Niles in the semi-finals of the University tournament by a very close score.

B. Dell, 2G.B. and J. B. Fenno '21 defeated H. R. Guild 2L, and C. H. Hyams 3rd '21 in the doubles of the tournament, thus becoming the finalists to oppose D. P. Robinson 1L, and L. A. de Turenne '21. The score was 6-4, 6-2. The final match will take place Thursday at 4 o'clock.
