

Dr. Redfield Given Brown Scholarship For Medical Research--To Study in England

Dr. Alfred C. Redfield of Concord has been awarded the John White Browne Scholarship at the Medical School, for advanced research in medicine, and will spend the winter working under Professor A. V. Hill of Manchester, England, in physiological research. Dr. Redfield, who was graduated from the University in 1914 and later took the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, has been serving recently as Assistant Professor of Physiology at Toronto.

In the Graduate School, the Edward Russell Scholarship has been assigned to E. J. Strittmatter of West New York, N. J., and University Scholarships to R. V. Conrad of Northfield, Minn., and F. D. Flagg Jr. of San Diego, Cal. Scandinavian Scholarships have been awarded, upon the nomination of the American Scandinavian Foundation, to C. D. Hille and Ivan Herlitz, both of Stockholm. Mr. Hille is to work in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, while Mr. Herlitz is studying electrical engineering in the Engineering School. H. B. Thurston of Cambridge is awarded a Buckley Scholarship for work in the Business School. Murphy Scholarships go to N. B. Murphy 1M. of Augusta, Maine, and G. A. Murphy '24 of Winthrop.
