As the result of a change in the New England program of the Democratic nominee, Governor James M. Cox of Ohio will speak at the Union before his address on the Boston Common rather than after, as was at first announced. After receiving a telegram from National Headquarters yesterday morning, Michael O'Leary, Democratic state chairman, has scheduled the meeting in the Union for 7.15 o'clock next Tuesday evening.
Dine Governor If Time Permits
President Eliot, who has been active in supporting the Democratic nominee this fall, will preside at his address in the Union and present Governor Cox to the University. Before the governor's speech, if time permits, a dinner will be given in his honor at the Union. Representatives of the Democratic State Committee, the Faculty and the Cox-Roosevelt Club of the University are being invited.
Governor Cox will be accompanied by a suite of 15 reporters and two special stenographers. He arrives in Worcester from the West at 9.30 next Tuesday morning and will deliver an address there before proceeding to Nashua and thence to Concord, New Hampshire, making public speeches in both these centers as well as rear platform speeches along the route of his special train.
Speech Will Have Wide Publicity
From Concord he will either come directly to Boston or else go by train to Lynn and from Lynn to Cambridge by automobile. If he goes directly to Boston he will be meet there by the State Democratic Committee, and by representatives from the University, who will hurry him out to Cambridge for his address at the Union. Arrangements are now under way by which this speech will be reported throughout the country.
The Cox-Roosevelt Club of Harvard is making plans to give Governor Cox a warm welcome in Cambridge. Special arrangements are being made to handle the record crowd which is expected at the Union for the first appearance at Harvard of a presidential nominee.
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