THE HARVARD CRIMSON announces the opening of its Photo-Sales Department. The work of establishing this new department has been going on for the past two weeks under the supervision of the Photographic Department. The organization is now completed.
The Photo-Sales Department has over 4000 negatives in bundles. These negatives cover every possible phase of University life of the past five years. Under their proper heads may be found negatives of the University's major and minor sports--including individual pictures of stars, captains, coaches, managers, and individuals of various teams; of its professors and distinguished visitors; of its clubs--their members and productions; and of its buildings.
The greater proportion of these negatives have been used in the making of cuts for the daily paper or the pictorial supplement of the CRIMSON, but there are many of interest which have not been published. Every day adds to this valuable collection. The most notable additions are displayed on the Photo-Sales Bulletin Board in Leavitt & Peirce's window. Negatives may be examined, orders for prints entered, or questions pertaining to this service asked, at the Photo-Sales Department office in the Crimson Building, where the manager, or an assistant, will keep the office hours of 9-10 and 7-8 daily.
The schedule of prices is as follows: Contact prints 25 cents each or $3 a dozen: 8x10 Bromide enlargements $1 each, $5 for six, or $10 a dozen. All work will be done by the Photographic Department in its own laboratory and darkroom, which is one of the best equipped in the vicinity of Boston.
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