More social service workers are needed by Phillips Brooks House. A fairly large number of men are working now, but the philanthropic activities are so comprehensive in scope that more men are desired. The work is for the most part concerned with boys' clubs, but it also includes Americanization work and settlement house entertainments. Last year there were 250 men doing social service work. The Social Service Committee hopes to enlist an even greater number this year.
Men who can do entertainment work, including music, sleight-of-hand tricks, story-telling, and so on, are especially desired. About 30 free entertainments will be given at the settlement houses this year.
Anyone who is interested in social service work should see the Social Service Secretary at his office in Phillips Brooks House on Monday, Wednesday or Friday between 8 and 9 or 12 and 1; or on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday between 8 and 9 or 10 and 11.
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