

Mr. Moors' Address

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

In yesterday's CRIMSON a wrong impression was given as to the substance of a part of Mr. Moors' speech at the Union. The quotation states: "Mr. Moors ended his talk by urging the members present to vote. . . for a government by parties." This is exactly the reverse of Mr. Moors' meaning. He clearly made a distinction between voting for an issue--namely the League of Nations, as opposed to victory for party for its own sake. He showed that the Republican party in this election cannot pledge itself firmly on the chief issue because the party is divided on the question of a League.

Despite all the effort that is made to becloud the one real issue of the campaign by personal and petty considerations, the fact remains that the thinking voter must choose between a League of Nations and the Republican party. Therefore it behooves those who-out vital and progressive issues above narrow partisanship to vote for Cox and Roosevelt. MALCOLM H. DILL, '20.   CHARLES W. ELIOT 2D '20.   GERALD MURPHY 2G.L.A.   RUSSELL M. SANDERS 2G.B.
