
Well Balanced Bill at Keith,s

The vaudeville offering at Keith's this week lives up to the high class standard which this famous circuit has set for the best in vaudeville. This week's entertainment is especially nicely balanced, with well chosen selections of singing, dancing and repartee.

Miss Margaret Young, "versatile comedienne," was perhaps the most enthusiastically greeted and her captivating manner and clever songs brought down the house. Hermine Shone offers a bright musical skit of the Emerald Isle which was interesting and sparkled with vivacious musical numbers.

Thomas Shea in his "spot lights" shows real histrionic talent in his offerings of scenes from "The Bells," "The Cardinal," and from "Dr. Jeykill and Mr. Hyde."

Other acts include Arthur Stone and Marion Hayes in a ludicrous "rube" act which is well above the average; Larry Harkins and his "Monarchs of Melody"; the Pickfords in a balancing act; the "Musical Movements" of the two Transfield sisters; Joe Santley and Jack Norton in a musical offering; and Walter Monthey and Co. in a series of dancing creations.
