To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
It is with much surprise, nay amazement, that I read in the CRIMSON of October 11th the sentiments of a graduate student of Harvard University. He asks why we should be interested in the coming election, and even takes the bold step of declaring that he "despises" the Presidential nominees. He desires not to be bothered with campaign issues, and wonders why the rest of the student body is so much interested.
Here is a man who voluntarily spurns the greatest privilege of citizenship:-- voting for the President of the United States. He asks why we should "bother to vote"! Mr. Chase, we "bother to vote" because we have backbone and because we care enough about this country of ours to do our woe bit to help it solve its difficulties. We are not spineless creatures; we are not spineless creatures; we are not so self-centered as to "despise" the men who are to guide us during the next four years.
Men who are fortunate enough to have obtained a college education should help to mould public opinion,--should do their utmost to give light on some of the perplexing questions of the day,--but should not so complacently and smugly "despise" the men who are earnesly attempting to solve the greatest problems of the present time.
I can class you, Mr. Chase, with only one other creature: Edward Everett Hale's "The Man Without a Country." WALLACE B. MACGREGOR '22. October 11, 1920.
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