


Inability to push the ball over when within striking distance and a persistent tendency to fumble at critical moments proved the undoing of the Freshmen in Saturday's contest with the light Worcester Academy team, when they were defeated 10-7. In the second period the yearlings rushed from the middle of the field to their opponents' three-yard line in six plays, then lost the ball on downs; while a fumble in the last quarter was responsible for the winning touchdown. The entire game was loosely played and marred by numerous penalties.

The Academy had the advantage in the first quarter, keeping well down in the Freshman territory most of the period. Aided by two penalties for holding, the Worcester backs succeeded in reaching their opponents' five-yard line just as the whistle blew. Unable to gain their objective by plunging, however, they scored a drop-kick from the 15-yard line at the opening of the second quarter. Then it was that the 1924 team made their march to within three yards of the goal-line after receiving a short kick-off. Worcester kicked to their 40-yard line, but incomplete passes and a blocked punt enabled them to recover the ball and reach the middle of the field by the end of the half. The third period was a kicking duel with Gherke's consistent punts giving the Freshmen a slight advantage. In the final quarter came the fumble that decided the game: Jenkins ran back Worchester's kick-off to their 35-yard line but dropped the ball. An Academy back recovered the fumble and raced 60 yards for a touchdown.

Freshmen Crush Academy Defense

The yearlings came to their own during the remainder of the period, sweeping down the light defense of the Academy with a slashing attack. A recovered punt, a fine run by Gherke and a 15-yard pass brought the team within scoring distance. Carneige plunged through for 1924's only touchdown, and Gherke kicked the goal. The game ended with the Freshmen's kick-off. 1924.  WORCESTER Gates, r.e.  l.e., Sullivan, Heydt, Hammond Henry, Hubbard, r.t. t.,  McGillen (capt.) Donovan, McCagg, r.g.  l.g., Vincett Storey, Bradford, c.  c., Bond

Grew, Harris, l.g.  r.g., BeadleHolder, l.t.  r.t., Grover, Hull, StricklerLarrabee, Brown, l.e.  r.e., SargissonMerrill, Lee, Gordon, q.b.  q.b., HightJenkins, r.h.b.  l.h.b., CominsGherke, f.b.  f.b., JonesCarneige, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Coolidge, Weatherb
