Entries for the Union's tennis tournament for members close definitely this morning at 12 o'clock. The first round matches will begin on Wednesday and must be completed by Friday of this week. Through the courtesy of the H. A. A. it has been arranged to play all matches on either Jarvis or Divinity Fields. There will be no entrance fee but players must furnish their own equipment of rackets and balls.
After the drawings have been made, each entrant will receive daily post-card notification of his opponent and hour of play of his next match. In order to facilitate the running of the tournament contestants are requested to fill out study cards and leave with the manager at the held on the day of their first match. The customary regulations concerning defaults, changes in time of matches, and he other mechanics of a large tournament will be in force.
Already over a hundred men have signed the entrance lists who will compete for the three prizes which will be warded; one to both the winner and the unner-up in the singles tournament, and he third to the winning pair in the oubles tournament. There are some ten on the Hata who have signed up singly for the doubles tournament. They hould hand in a card some time this morning stating their choice of partner.
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