


Senator Harding in his speech of October 7th is reported to have said: "I understand the position of the Democratic nominee and he understands mine. In simple words it is that he favors going into the Paris league and I favor staying out." In view of the fact that the League of Nations is the vital issue of the campaign, a Cox-Roosevelt Club has been formed for the effective organization of pro-League sentiment among the students of the University. Believing that the League is the greatest moral issue with which the people of the United States has ever been confronted, the Cox-Roosevelt Club stands unequivocally for the ratification of the Treaty and Covenant with such clarifying or interpretative reservations as may be consistent with American tradition, and for the prompt participation of the United States in this greatest movement of modern civilization. Speaking of the obligations of the league covenant, Senator Harding said: "I do not want to clarify those obligations. I want to turn my back on them. It is not interpretation but rejection that I am seeking." Now is the time for those who favor the league to affiliate themselves with the Cox-Roosevelt Club. The first meeting will be held in the Union Wednesday evening, October 13th, at 7.30 o'clock. An announcement of speakers will be made later. Opportunity will be given at the meeting for students to enroll in the organization, but those who desire to enroll at once may do so at Thayer 6.

The personnel of the various committees is as follows:

Membership Committee

H. J. Monk 2L., Chairman; J. G. King 1L., W. P. Cooper 3L., R. E. Finley '21, W. D. Hubbard '22, C. R. Gregory 1Dv., Oscar Green 3E.T.S., Frank O. Holmes 3Dv., J. M. Stubbs 1L., Ramsay Clayton 1L., J. P. Sullivan 2L., E. S. Gambrell 1L., Malcolm Fooshee 3L., W. L. Dowell 2G., L. E. Spivak '21, F. S. Harmen 2L., S. W. Fordyce 3E.S., Roger Summer '22, A. W. Dawson 1G.B.

Executive Committee


R. C. Stuart Jr. '21, Chairman; H. R. Arkinson '21, M. P. Davis '21, L. E. Spivak '21, C. C. Cabot '22, J. E. Cabot '22, P. McK. Palmer '22, W. E. Reily '22, Roger Sumner '22, Stuart Huckins Occ., George Stevens '23, J. D. Winans '24, Frank O. Holmes 3Dv., Raymond Fuller E.T.S., C. W. Pipkin 2G., J. L. Brown 3L., H. Epstein 3L., J. L. McChord 2L., Jeff Davis 2L., John W. Korn 2d 1L.

An executive committee meeting has been called at 4.15 o'clock today at Thayer 6. The membership committee will meet today at 7 o'clock at Thayer 6
