


In order to be excused from physical training sections all Freshmen who intend to go out for an organized fall sport must report this intention at Weld 3 before 1 o'clock tomorrow. The sports which may be elected are football, track, cross-country, crew, soccer, lacrosse and baseball.

This year the Department of Physical Training will extend to students all the opportunities and more that it offered last year for exercise. Men may receive boxing, fencing and swimming instruction without charge.

Beginning next week, Professor J. L. Danguay, one of the foremost fencers in America, and coach of the University fencing team, will be at the Hemenway Gymnasium from 2.45 until 4 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to give fencing lessons.

Mr. Booker in Charge of Big Tree

Mr. W. J. Booker will have general supervision at the Big Tree Swimming Pool on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons and will teach men how to swim. In addition there will be an instructor at the pool on the other afternoons to take charge of Freshmen who elect swimming as their sport.


The 5 o'clock gym, class at Hemenway Gymnasium will commence Monday. This year they will be in charge of Mr. Conrad J. Surbeck, a graduate of the Springfield Y. M. C. A. College. He has had considerable experience as physical director of the playgrounds at New London and as a member of the War Work Department of the Y. M. C. A. He was fist stationed at the Mineola Avlation Field, then at St. Nazaire, and was finally appointed supervisor of the recreation activities of the soldiers at all the French ports of entry.

Gym, Work for Graduate Students

In addition to conducting the gym. class, Mr. Surbeck will organize and supervise athletic activities for members of the graduate schools.

At the Hemenway Gymnasium men may play basketball, indoor baseball and handball, as well as fence, box and wrestle. The Harvard University squash courts at 8 Linden street will be open. Lockers are available in each building and may be obtained by paying the locker fee of $3 for whole or part of the college year. There are no other charges.
