A monster welcome to the victorious football team takes place this evening when the eleven arrives in Boston. Every undergraduate is expected to be present to show the men his appreciation of the fine struggle which the team put up at Pasadena. Since it is not known whether the men will get off the train at the Huntington Avenue Station or at the South Station, the football management telegraphed to Major F. W. Moore '93 on the train for information. As soon as it is received notices will be posted in Leavitt and Peirce's and at the CRIMSON Building, and about 8 o'clock in the evening the lateness of the train will be posted. According to schedule the express arrives at Huntington Avenue at 8.31 P. M., and at the South Station at 8.35 P. M.
All men will assemble at the station at five minutes before the time of the train's arrival as announced in the notices posted at the places mentioned above. R. W. Emmons, 3rd, '20, will lead the cheering as the train pulls in. A large body of graduates is also expected to be present in an effort to accord the team an ovation even greater than that which it received in Chicago on its journey to the West.
Student Body Must Be On Time.
Every man must be on time because of the fact that the players leave the station immediately for Cambridge in automobiles. Any additional information concerning the reception and the hour and point of arrival will be posted as soon as received.
Plans for a large banquet to the eleven, when each player will receive a gold football are now under way, but as yet no date or place for it has been set.
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