An even score of men from the class of 1923 figure this year on the honor list of students passing the entrance examinations with exceptionally creditable standing. The selections, which are annually made by the Committee on Admission from the list of "men whose entrance examination records attained an average grade of work worthy of honorable mention," are announced as follows:
Karl Watson Baker, Boston Latin School.
Jasper Hiram Chase, Phillips Exeter Academy.
Thomas Buckingham Coolidge, Concord High School, and Milton Academy.
Charles Kimball Cummings, Jr., Country Day School.
Edwin Orr Denby, Hotchkiss School.
Fredrick Hales Drake, Watertown High School.
Francis Xavier Dwyer, West Roxbury High School and Melrose High School.
John Bulkeley Edmonds, St. Paul's School.
Henry Jacob Friendly, Elmira Free Academy.
Richard Dodge Gerould, Cambridge High and Latin School. (Did not enter Harvard in 1919-20.)
Berwin Kaiser, Brookline High School.
Philip Francis Kenney, Boston Latin School.
Allan Kennedy Murray, Riverdale Country School.
Warwick Potter Scott, Groton School.
Charles Lyman Short, St. Mark's School.
Marshall Harvey Stone, Englewood (N. J.) High School.
Allen Meader Taylor, Jr., Newark Academy.
Stephen Minot Weld, Jr., Milton Academy.
David Alexander Williams, Middlesex School.
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