

Coach Kiphuth Now at Work With Best Material in Yale History-Penn. and M.I.T. Hopeful.

With 65 men reporting to Coach Kiphuth for the Yale Swimming team, the best team in Yale's history is looked for Last year the team won the intercollegiates and set a new record for the 200-yard relay. Six members of last year's champion team are back in college, including E. B. Binney, Jr., holder of the intercollegiate record of 25 seconds for the 50-yard swim. The other university swimmers who have returned are Captain J. Hincks, W, H. Milroy, H. Hopkins, E. H. Bradley and D. Tyler. In addition L. P. Thurston and J. H. McHenry have returned to college. Thurston is an Hawaiian who was interscholastic champion while he was at Lawrenceville Academy. He was captain of the 1921 team but since then has been in war service. McHenry swam at yale two years ago, starring in the middle distance events.

Among last year's Eli Freshmen who are available are several notable swimmers. R. H. Meagher broke the plunge record last year by floating the entire distance of the tank; D. B. Gause, F. deP. Townsend, F. H. Cook, L. G. Neville, W. B. Schaffer, and C. D. Pratt are all available for the sprints, while A. Ferguson and N. T. Guernsey in the dive and plunge complete the list of formidable additions. Yale will have two matches each with the University, Columbia, Pennsylvania, New York City College, Princeton, and M. I. T.

Leopoid Captains Penn Men.

The University of Pennsylvania is another college anticipating a highly successful swimming season. Donald Leopold, a three years' veteran, will captain the Penn, natators this year. His specialties are the 100 and 200 yards, and the relay. Shields in the racing events and Armstrong in the dives are relied up on to roll up many of Penn's points Martyr, Bringhurst, Brush, Kohler and Maris of last year's Freshman team are other likely aspirants.

Practice at M. I. T. is being stimulated by the fact that the New England intercollegiate championship meet is to be held in the Boston Y. M. C. A. tank which the Technology and University swimmers are using for practice. Dietz Barker, Weber, Biddell and Pratt are the leading dash and relay men for the "Tech" team.
