A mass meeting for all college and high school students of Boston and its vicinity who are interested in any phase of missionary work is to be held tomorrow under the auspices of the Student Volunteer Union of Greater Boston. The afternoon session will begin in the First Baptist Church near Copley Square at 3 o'clock and will consist of short talks by six delegates from different colleges who were at the Des Moines Convention and an address by Major H. A. Newman, head of the largest hospital in South China and for the last two years engaged in Red Cross work in Siberia.
At the evening session, which will be held in the Central Congregational Church near Copley Square, there is to be an address by Dr. Robert E. Speer and a stereopticon lecture by James H. Lewis, Student Secretary of the Life Service Department of the Interchurch World Movement. Reservation will be made for 500 ticket holders until 7.20 o'clock. 300 others can be admitted to the evening session. Tickets may be obtained from A. H. Kemp, 72 Mt. Vernon street, Boston.
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Seniors Down 1921 Quintet, 27-23