To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
The current issue of the Lampoon is aimed at the expulsion of an instructor in Harvard University. The grounds offered are that he teaches "Bolshevist" doctrines. It seems to me that an issue is raised here which is quite independent of either the individual or the doctrines involved. In the course of three and one-half years the writer has come to known and love Harvard as a centre of intellectual liberty so true that each man is privileged to associate with other men of every divergent view, and to himself acquire and express whatever views seem most reasonable to him. It appears that this traditional liberty is being challenged by a new spirit. It seems to me that Harvard men are called upon to decide just what their University is to stand for in the future. Are we going to say. "Away with him!" whenever a man speaks words against our views, or shall we rather inquire what substance and reason is in the speaker and trust our individual reason to weigh his worth? The writer himself belongs to a school of thought entirely opposite to the of the man the Lampoon has attacked, but at that has no assurance as to the safety of his own or any other opinion before this new intolerance. But above all he insists upon the Harvard privilege of pursuing Veritas by any channel in which there is a chance that any grain of truth may dwell. STANLEY McCLATCHIE '21.
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