

Examinations Announced in 35 Courses for This Morning at 9.15.

Examinations under the Faculty of Arts and Sciences will continue this morning with 35 due to start at 9.15 o'clock and with one, Astronomy 1a, coming at 2 o'clock.

According to the regulations, any student who is not in the examination room by five minutes after the hour appointed for the examination shall not be admitted without express permission of the instructor or of the officer who is in charge of the examination.

It is also ruled that no student shall bring any books or papers into the examination room except by express direction of the instructor, and that no communication on any subject whatsoever shall be allowed between students in the examination room. Today at 9.15 A. M. Anthropology 5,  Sever 5 Botany 7,  Gray Herb Chemistry 21,  Harvard 3 Class Philology 34,  Sever 17 Economics 12,  Sever 5 Economics 31,  Sever 5 Education A,  Sever 23 Education 17,  Lawrence 31 English 2: Allen to Connely (inclusive),  Harvard 2 Corning to Lyons (inclusive),  Harvard 5 Macdonald to Young (inclusive),  Harvard 6 Fine Arts 2c,  Fogg small Lect.-rm. French 9: Ajemian-Lesher,  Sever 29 Lovett-Wilson,  Sever 30 Geography 1,  Zool. Lect.-rm. German B,  Sever 36 German 1a II,  Sever 36 German 2a I,  Sever 6 German 3,  Harvard 3 German 12a,  Sever 6 Government 5,  Sever 18 Greek B 1,  Sever 18 History 17a: Andrews to Kritzman (inclusive),  Emerson A Lambie to Williamson (inclusive),  Emerson F Latin 1,  Sever 17 Latin 6,  Sever 17 Mathematics G,  Pierce 307 Mathematics K,  Sever 35 Mathematics 2b 1a-lb: Professor Graustein's sect. 1a,  Pierce 302 Dr. Morse's sect. 1b,  Pierce 307 Mathematics 10a,  Sever 35 Meteorology 4,  Geol. Mus. 43 Mineralogy 2,  Mineral Lab. Music 6,  Sever 30 Philosophy A: Anderson-Hirshon (inclusive),  New Lecture Hall Hite-Teitelbaum (inclusive),  Emerson D Thaxter-Wyman (inclusive),  Emerson J Philosophy 3,  Emerson J Semitic A5,  Andover C Semitic E1,  Sever 18 Social Ethics 5,  Emerson J Zoology 4,  Zool. Lect.-rm. 2 P. M. Astronomy 1a,  Emerson D Tomorrow at 9.15 A.M. Botany 8,  Sever 17 Chemistry 18,  Sever 35 Economics 36a,  Sever 17 Engin. Sciences 6,  Pierce 302 Fine Arts 2g,  Robinson B Fine Arts 10b,  Robinson B French 3 (1st exam.),  Emerson J French 16,  Sever 36 German F,  Sever 18 Government 19,  Sever 18 History 27,  Sever 36 Latin A,  Sever 17 Slavic 4,  Sever 35 2 P. M. Military Science,  Emerson D
