

The victory of the University relay team over the Cornell runners on Saturday is a significant indication that the "track revival" here is a reality, not merely a pleasing illusion. Many graduates interested in placing the oldest of major sports on its former basis at Harvard have been working to give every opportunity for the development of a championship team this spring. The hard-fought race at Albany shows that the members of the squad also are making every effort to turn out a winning aggregation.

Before 1900 Harvard was the unchallenged master of the cinder-path. Since then Cornell, closely followed by Pennsylvania, has led the way. Saturday's victory was the first Harvard challenge in recent years to the Ithacan supremacy. If every undergraduate with track experience will assist in this advance by reporting for track and field events, then the University may well expect to see her colors in the fore once again at the Intercollegiate games.

With such a victory as an inaugural of the season, and with the spirit of the relay runners instilled throughout the entire track squad, success is well within reach.
