

(The Crimson invites all men in the University to submit signed communications of timely interest. It assumes no responsibility, however, for sentiments expressed under this head and reserves the right to exclude any whose publication would be palpably inappropriate.)

The following communication appeared in the CRIMSON of Thursday, January 22, but through an error in printing certain sentences were later found to have been omitted. The CRIMSON takes this opportunity for expressing its regret at this mistake and reprints the communication in full by way of correction:

Deport the Conservatives.

In perusing recent communications in the CRIMSON, we are moved to reflect upon that sage old saw concerning an ounce of prevention. In view of the fact that we have adopted a policy of wholesale deportation of our undesirables, an idea has occurred to us which we believe no one has hitherto suggested. Why not deport a few of our self-complacent radically conservatives? For, as a fellow-student remarked yesterday at the Union, it is these people who are the swamp in which the Red mosquito is bred. These are the people of the stamp of a certain mill owner who, to a delegation protesting against the occupational diseases resulting from his mismanagement, replied: "Don't tell me about it. It makes me feel too bad." Is not at least a part of the unrest pervading the world today a natural reaction from those who willingly sacrifice their duty of facing the issue in order to preserve the better their peace of mind? This necessitates an active stand for that free speech and liberal thought which have always been incumbent upon every American citizen. Such a stand is consistent with the training of Harvard University. This undiscriminating antagonism shown all who do not agree with the most conservative-minded today drives many further than they would naturally have gone into radicalism, and confers upon the worst of our deportees the unwarranted title of "martyr." Let us preserve that tolerance for which so many in the early history of America gave their blood, and take care that in threshing out the chaff of the ill we waste not a precious kernel of the Truth. NAT S. WOLLF OCC.   DONALD C. PEATTIE '21.
