A remarkable exhibition of the works of the English painter and poet, William Blake, may now be seen at the Fogg Art Museum, and will continue on view until January 27. This exhibition, probably the largest collection of Blake's works that has been gathered together, is virtually the complete collection recently given at the Grolier Club, New York City augmented by valuable works belonging to several Boston collectors.
Blake is now better known to the public as a poet than an artist because poems can be reprinted, but adequate reproductions of his paintings have never yet been made. An opportunity is given by this exhibition to see Blake's works in their originals, and including books, engravings, drawings and autograph letters.
In the gallery of the Fogg Art Museum, Mr. S. Foster Damon will give a talk tomorrow on Blake's Symbolism. This lecture will be at 3.30 o'clock and is open to the public.
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