The names of the men honored in the annual award of scholarships at Harvard College have been announced at the College Office. They include a total of 254 men, of whom 51 are classed as "first-group students," 120 as "second-group students," and 83 as "third-group students."
The first group is made up of those undergraduates whose work in the preceding College year entitles them to "very high academic distinction." No student is admitted to this group until his record for his preceding year, in all his courses, has been submitted to every one of his teachers. Only very high grades and concurrent testimony in his favor from a sufficient number of his teachers enable the Committee on Scholarships to recommend him for a position in the first group. The second group is made up of students who have not attained to the first-group standard, but have nevertheless done distinguished work. The third group includes students who are awarded scholarships on grounds of special claim; a large number of these men are the winners of scholarships given by the various Harvard Clubs.
Of the 51 men in the first group, it is significant that 19 hail from outside New England.
List of First-Group Men.
The list of men awarded first group scholarships, and the name of the scholarship each received, follows:
Michael S. Alexander '21, Class of 1863; William Allen '22, Price Greenleaf Aid; William R. Barker '22, Matthews; Gerald Ruggles Barrett, Jr., '20, Price Greenleaf Aid; Elmer Reese Beeler '21, Matthews; Carl A. Benander '21, Bigelow; Alfred L. Benjamin '20, John Harvard; David Berman '20, Price Greenlead Aid; Warren E. Blake '20, Toppan; Frederick M. Carey '20, John Harvard; Charles W. Carter, Jr., '20, Nathanial Ropes, Jr.; Burton L. Chadwick '20, Lincoln; Porter Ralph Chandler '21, John Harvard; Paul P. Coggins '21, Addison Brown; Malcolm Cowley Occ., Harvard Club of Western Penna.; Paul R. Doolin '21, Richard Augustine Gambrill; Nathan Lincoln Drake '20, Bigelow; Theodore Dunham, Jr., '21, John Harvard; William Eldrige '21, John Harvard; Jacob Fine '21, Price Greenleaf; Paul B. Flanders '20, John Appleton Haven; Stephen A. Freeman Occ., The Franklin Temple Ingraham Memorial; Charles A. Gage '22, John Harvard; Harold J. Ginsburgh '20, Price Greenleaf; Miles Hanson, Jr., '20, Price Greenleaf; William Collar Holbrook '20, Richard Manning Hodges; Samuel Bertram Horovitz '20, John Harvard; Eliot D. Hutchinson '22, Warren H. Cudworth; Jacob C. Kelson '22, Warren H. Cudworth; Jacob C. Kelson '22, William Merrick; Malcolm Kingsberg '20, John Harvard; Ansel McBryde Kinney '20, Price Greenleaf; Arthur W. Marget '20, John Harvard; John W. Merten '20, Julius Dexter; Alfred E. Mirsky '22, John Harvard; Samuel Mufson '20, Class of 1867; Charles H. Munsell '20, John Harvard; Harry Nadell '22, Price Greenleaf; Joseph B. Nathan '20, John Harvard; Frederick Theodore Pratt '22, Jacob Wendell; Oliver Prescott, Jr., '20, John Harvard; William T. Salter '22, John Harvard; Daniel H. Sanders '22, John Harvard; Joseph S. Shubow '20, Matthews; Leland W. Smith '21, Matthew and Mary E. Bartlett; Merrill Ten Broeck Spaulding '20, Charles Wyman; Benjamin I. Sperling '21, Farrar; Arthur H. Starbird '22, John Harvard; David Stoffer '22, Bowditch; James B. Thayer '21, John Harvard; Otto S. Wagner '20, John Harvard; David Vernon Widder '20, Matthews.
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