


All Harvard undergraduates, as well as graduates, whether they are members of the Harvard Club of Boston or not, have been invited to attend the dinner to be given under the auspices of the club to the members of the victorious football team of 1919-20 at the Copley-Plaza on Tuesday, February 3, at 6.45 o'clock. The purpose of the meeting is to show to Captain Murray's men the appreciation of past and present members of the University for the successful season recently completed and to present to the members of the eleven suitable tokens in honor of the occasion. These mementos will take the form of gold footballs.

The cost of the dinner will be $5 per cover, and it is hoped by the committee in charge that this amount will prove sufficient to defray the expenses of all incidentals, including the souvenil footballs. All members of the Harvard Club of Boston may, if they so wish, have the charge for the meal placed upon their house account. All other Harvard men must apply for tickets to Sidney Curtis '05, Room 52, Equitable Building, Boston, enclosing the necessary sum.

Tables Seat Ten Men

Tables will seat ten persons, and in case two or more applications are received together, it will be possible to obtain adjacent seats. Single applications will be given seats according to classes. In case more men should apply than can be accommodated in the banquet hall, seats will be drawn by lot from the applications received up to noon on Tuesday, January 27.

The committee in charge of the banquet is composed of the following graduates: Sidney Curtis '05, chairman; W. D. Sullivan '83, William Edmunds '00, John Simpkins '12, and H. R. Hardwick, '15.


The complete program and list of speakers has not yet been made public by the committee, but it is expected that this information will be given out today or tomorrow.
