

Series Will Be Played Through February and First Week of March--30 Upperclassmen Out.

A series of 12 games has been arranged to be played by the class basketball teams during February and March, according to the following schedule:

Monday, Feb. 9--1920 vs. 1921.

Wednesday Feb. 11--1922 vs. 1923.

Friday, Feb. 13--1921 vs. 1923.

Monday, Feb. 16--1920 vs. 1922.


Tuesday, Feb. 17--1921 vs. 1923.

Friday, Feb. 20--1922 vs. 1921.

Tuesday, Feb. 24--1920 vs. 1923.

Friday, Feb. 27--1922 vs. 1923.

Monday, March 1--1920 vs. 1921.

Wednesday, March 3--1920 vs. 1922.

Friday, March 5--1923 vs. 1920.

Monday, March 7--1921 vs. 1922.

At present about 30 upperclassmen are reporting to Coach D. E. Walter 1G.B. in the Hemenway Gymnasium, while 12 men constitute the Freshman squad working at the Freshman Athletic Building. As the men are now reporting the Senior aggregation is the smallest, only five men coming out, while the Junior and Sophomore squads have each about a dozen men. These latter teams show promise of developing into fives capable of giving outside teams a stiff fight, and on them are several men who have had considerable experience in basketball; H.W. Holt Unc., a former member of the University of North Dakota team; C. Hover '22, of the Morristown School five; J. J. Irwin, Jr., '22, a fast player from the Oyster Bay High School, and G. A. Soper '21, a former Collegiate School star.
