At 2.30 o'clock this afternoon the 1923 hockey team will oppose the fast Dartmouth Freshman aggregation on the Charlesbank rinks. This will be the first real test for the yearlings, for, although they have played and won two games already, both contests were with inexperienced high school teams which offered but little opposition to the Freshmen. The players have shown good individual playing, and it remains to be seen whether they will act as well as a unit. G. Owen is the best defensive man on the squad as well as being one of the fastest skaters and hardest shooters. A. H. Ladd is another promising player. The line-up of the team will be as follows: Ladd, r.w.; Larocque, r.c.; Owen, p.; Thayer, l.c.; Guild, l.w.; Bancroft, c.p.; Owen, p.; Flint, g.
The 1923 hockey schedule of the remaining games on its schedule is as follows:
Jan. 17--Dartmouth 1923 at Cambridge.
Jan. 19--Newton High at Cambridge.
Jan. 21--M.I.T. 1923 at Cambridge.
Jan. 24--Andover at Cambridge.
Jan. 26--Arlington High at Cambridge.
Jan. 28--St. Mark's at Southboro.
Jan. 31--Exeter at Cambridge.
Feb. 4--Milton at Milton.
Feb. 7--St. Paul's at Concord.
Feb. 14--Yale 1923 at Cambridge (tentative).
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