Plans are already under way for the Dramatic Club's spring production which, if present arrangements are successful, will again be a work from the pen of Lord Dunsany, who has been elected an honorary member of the club. Lord Dunsany has in the past endeavored to have his dramatic works produced, on the stage before they are published, and it is expected that the spring production will be of this type.
The fall season of the Dramatic Club was one of the most successful in many years, both artistically and financially. Both of the two plays produced were eminently successful, and the financial return from the venture exceeded the expectations of any of the men in charge of the production.
Tuesday, January 20, has been set as the date for the annual winter dinner, which will be given in Boston at the Hotel Thorndike. At this dinner all the new members of the club whose names are given below will be present.
Condon Also Honorary Member.
A total of 30 members have been taken into the club this year, which is a larger number than usual owing to the inactivity of the club during the past three years. Twenty-eight of these are from the University and two are honorary--Lord Dunsany and Hamilton Condon, who designed the scenery for the fall production. The full list of new members taken on as a result of the various competitions conducted during the autumn follows:
N. A. Chaste '22, F. S. Church '21, J. S. Church Unc., M. H. Dill '20, W. A. Duer '21, D. T. Eaton Unc., R. B. Emery '22, W. V. M. Fawcett '21, W. E. Harris '20, A. T. Hill '21, W. W. Johnson '21, W. H. Kenyon '21, R. E. Larsen '21, B. K. Little '23, E. Low '21, J. N. Macy '22, D. M. Oenslager '23, F. C. Packard, Jr., '20, A. W. Rhodes '21, R. H. L. Skinner '22, V. P. Williams Unc., H. Emmons, 2nd, Occ., W. H. Cary, Jr., '22, P. K. McElroy '20, W. M. Tucker '23, J. W. Laird '22, and G. L. Fisher '20, E. I. Damon '21.
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