In anticipation of its spring trip the Glee Club plans to hold trials, the time of which will be made public in an announcement during the mid-year period, to pick one or a group of not more than four instrumentalists to accompany the Club on its trip. This competition is open to all men in the University, and aims to pick out the best player on the violin, 'cello, or piano or the duo, trio or quartet of instrumentalists. Any number of men up to four will be taken along, depending on the number forming the winning selection.
The purpose of the Glee Club in holding such a competition is to obtain a man or men who will take specialty parts at its concerts in order that the program may be more varied. Consequently any piece presented must be a of a high order and completely orchestrated for its purpose. A committee to act as the jury of award will be appointed by Dr. A. T. Davison '06 from among the men most prominent in the musical circles of Boston.
Besides this competition a trial to select men to fill a few vacant positions on the Glee Club will be held at about the same time.
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