


Dean L. B. R. Briggs '75 has been chosen to head the committee of the Faculay which will welcome to the University the members of the sub-committees which are in charge of the drive for the University's endowment fund. The welcoming committee which will consist of Dean Briggs, Assistant Dean K. B. Murdock '16, Professor H. J. Hughes '94, Chairman of the Administrative Committee of the Engineering School, Professor A. C. Coolidge '87, and Richard Ames '07, Secretary of the Law School, will meet the sub-committees at University Hall this morning and conduct them in parties through the grounds and buildings of the University.

The chairmen of the 19 sub-committees, most of them prominent business men, are: Robert Homans '94, chairman of the committee of lawyers, Dr. Channing Frothingham '02, chairman of the medical men, Dr. H. deW Cross '96, chairman of dentists; Professor H. W. Holmes '03, chairman of the educational men; N. F. Ayer '00, chairman of the manufactures; W. A. Muller '91, chairman of the insurance men: A. R. Whittier, Jr., '94, chairman of the real estate men; Stanley Cunningham '01, chairman of the engineers; P. Stockton '96, chairman of the financial men; the Rev. A. Peterson '04, chairman of the ministers; W. G. Perry '05, chairman of the architects; C. J. Swan '01, chairman of the publication men; C. O. Wellington '07, chairman of the accountants; C. H. Slatery '09, chairman of the government men; Professor W. R. Spalding '87, chairman of the artists; F. A. Goodhue '06, chairman of the mercantile men; W. Blanchard '16, chairman of the younger graduates; L. Davis '04, chairman of the committee of miscellaneous members of the campaign.
