"To place the maintenance of the public security in the hands of a body of men who have attempted to destroy it would be to flout the sovereignty of the law the people have made." This keynote sentence of the latest proclamation of Governor Coolidge of Massachusetts sums up in itself the feeling of unprejudiced and patriotic citizens of the Commonwealth. The police who deserted their posts are as reprehensible as the soldiers who in time of war deserted theirs. The former should never have been entrusted with the public safety. The people of Massachusetts will see to it that they are not returned to office.
Nearly every undesirable situation has its brighter aspects, and the Boston police strike has been no exception to this rule. If it has accomplished nothing else, it has brought to light men like Governor Coolidge. Throughout the whole unpleasant affair he has shown himself worthy of the greatest respect. His initiative, courage, and foresight saved his capitol, and possibly his state, from anarchy. The nation needs more public men who maintain in dealing with police strikers, that "there is no middle ground."
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