


This year a new system of interdormitory athletics is to be started which will enable every Freshman to participate in athletic contests. The year will be divided into three parts,--fall, winter, and spring,--in each of which an interdormitory all-around championship will be conducted.

The plan this fall, and it will be similar in the winter and spring, is as follows. Each dormitory, Standish, Gore, and Smith Halls, will have one or more teams in each one of the following sports: football, soccer, rowing, cross-country, track, baseball, handball, tennis, lacrosse. All men who wish to compete for one of these teams must report at once to the Freshman squad in his particular sport. Later in the season the men not making the Freshman team will be formed into respective dormitory teams. There will be first, second, and third teams, depending on the number of men.

All Contests Count in Final Score.

The scheme by which the championship will be won is as follows: For example, if the Standish second or third team defeats the corresponding teams of the other dormitories, that team will add as much to the total Standish score as would the first team if it won. Thus, the dormitory score will be helped as much by a second team as by a first team victory. At the end of the season the points of all the teams of each dormitory, in all the sports, will be added, and the greatest total will be the winner. Thus the "all-round" championship is decided by every sport concerned, not by a single team.

Trophy to Be Presented.


Later an appropriate trophy, more or less permanent, will be decided upon. All details of the administration and organization of the teams, arrangement of schedules, etc., will be in the hands of be hoped that the sum of $4600 raised last year, despite war conditions, will be greatly exceeded in this drive. As a goal the committee has set $5000.

There will be three teams, of which all members are Sophomores excepting the captains. They will be under A. W. Douglas '21, A. Houghton '21, L. B. Stoddart '21, respectively.

Personnel of Teams.

The three teams will be composed of the following men: D. Angier, Miles P. Baker, J. S. Barss, J. P. Bickford, J. T. Bradlee, Huntington Brown, C. C. Cabot, G. B. Cabot, D. F. Cameron, G. H. Chatfield, Jr., N. Choate, J. Codman, H. F. Colt, J. Crocker, H. Eliot, W. Gade, B. Gibson, M. Gratwick, B. Greenwood, K. R. Groener, D. Hall, J. B. Hammond, H. W. Hardy, B. H. Hopkins, W. D. Howe, H. B. Humphrey, E. D. Hutchinson, R. K. Kane, J. J. Kennedy, T. M. Key, L. Kimball, L. B. LaFarge, L. H. Lamotte, W. E. Leicht, O. S. Leland, E. C. Lincoln, C. C. Macomber, G. M. Martin, S. P. Moorehead, G. Morss, E. V. Otis, Jr., P. Palmer, P. L. Romaine, P. L. Saltonstall, Jr., J. DeC. Scott, P. M. Sears, W. E. Sedgewick, George V. S. Smith, Geoffrey, S. Smith, R. B. Smith, R. E. Smith, L. Terry, J. W. Watson, E. D. Weatherhead, B. Wharton, R. E. Wheeler, W. Whitman, 3rd, J. Winslow, D. Withington, A. M. Wrenn, R. Emerson, A. Tison.

These men will be assigned to teams tomorrow. Team 1 will cover Standish, Randolph, the Yard, and Perkins; team 2 will cover the Smith Halls, Claverly, Lowell House, Beck, Westmorely, Russell, and Russell Annex; team 3 will cover Gore, Dunster; Apley, Fairfax, 22-28 Plympton street, 9 Bow street, Holyoke House. These three teams will compete in raising the largest amount of money
