Record enrolments continue to be reported from nearly all of the Eastern colleges and the heavy tax on rooming accommodations is making the dormitory problem a serious one. Although exact figures are not yet available, there is every indication that most of the colleges are experiencing the largest registration 9in their history.
At Princeton, actual figures on the freshman registration show that more than 550 freshmen and qualifying students have enrolled, and it is expected that this number will soon be increased by late arrivals. The enrolment of the entire university is estimated as being between 1500 and 1600.
Columbia Business Courses Filled.
Columbia opened yesterday with a registration of 8208 students, the largest in its history. Scores of applications were still being received yesterday, and the final registration figures probably will not be compiled for several days. Enrolment in business courses offered was five times greater than it ever had been before.
With all rooming accommodations taken, Dartmouth is still continuing the registration of the largest enrolment it has ever had. No official figures of the first day's work in entering the new men have been published, but the registration for the freshman class alone is said to far exceed any of the past few years.
Fraternity Lodgings Allowed.
Despite the fact that the administration recently altered its regulations in regard to rooming in fraternity houses, increasing the maximum from fourteen to sixteen, accommodations are at a premium, and scores of men now in Hanover, particularly members of the upper classes, are still occupying only temporary quarters. Every dormitory is filled, and a vacant room in a private house is unusual.
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