A little over fifty years ago President Lincoln spoke at Gettysburg of those who had so recently fought with arms in their hands against the Constitution of the United States, and his words were of goodness and mercy for those who had been his deadly enemies. President Wilson has been likened to Lincoln frequently. He, too, has spoken at various times and places of persons opposed to him, particularly of those senators who are maintaining the Constitution against the new personally conducted League of Nations, and thus presuming to block his ends. It began last February, after the evening at the White House when he highly entertained the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations with his exposition of the first unalterable constitution of the League of Nations. Later he stated that those men, chosen by the American people to represent them, had pygmy minds and that they should be hanged head down higher than was. Haman hanged.
More recently the pygmies have become "jaundiced-eyed," "contemptible quitters," "ready to scuttle and run," who should "put up or shut up," and "take it or leave it" in a state of "just downright ignorance" and still destined to be "gibbeted," and their conduct was linked with "cowardice."
This only brings us to Salt Lake City on Sept. 23. Such has been the evolution of the literary style of our Presidents in their official utterances. --Boston Transcript.
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