
New Squash Courts at Randolph

The Randolph Gymnasium, which has been entirely remodelled during the summer, is to be completed and ready for use by the end of next week, according to information given out at the office of the Director of Physical Training. The greatest change that has been made in the building is that the main room which was formerly used as a tennis court or as a place for physical training classes has been divided into two floors on each of which are seven squash courts. The total of 14 courts will keep from 40 to 50 men busy at the same time. A few minor changes have been made, and the swimming pool and locker rooms are to be given a thorough cleaning before the building is open. It is planned to use this building during the months while outdoor exercise is still possible, in order to give exercise on rainy days to the Freshmen who are enrolled in physical training classes.
