

Committee of University Graduates Who Are Teachers Plans Campaign.

Campaigning for subscriptions to the Endowment Fund from the Educational Group of Greater Boston graduates of the University will be started this evening following a dinner to members of the Educational Committee, in the Harvard Club at 7 o'clock. Professor H. W. Holmes '03, chairman of the committee, will be the host.

The Educational Group as listed by the Endowment Fund Committee includes the names of more than 800 teachers, professors, librarians, and research workers in the Boston district. It is expected that fully sixty teachers will be present at the dinner to receive final instructions for the drive. Through these sixty men every one of the 800 will be interviewed personally and although single subscriptions from this group will probably not be large, Chairman Holmes hopes for a 100 per cent response to the call.

Serving with Professor Holmes on the committee in charge of this group are Willard Reed '91, assistant headmaster of the Browne and Nichols School; and Secretary of the Committee; Oscar C. Gallagher '96, headmaster of the West Roxbury High School, and recently appointed superintendent of schools in the town of Brookline; and Frank V. Thompson, A. M. '07, superintendent of schools in the city of Boston.
