Colonel R. F. C. Goetz, head of the department of military science at the University, outlined briefly the advantages of the military courses offered here to about one hundred Freshmen gathered in Smith Halls Common Room yesterday evening. Colonel Goetz emphasized the fact that the military course is to be similar to any course in the University, in that there will be no uniforms nor drill for those taking it. It will also count full credit towards the degree of A.B. or S.B. In both these respects, it differs from the former R. O. T. C. here.
Solves Distribution Problem.
By taking the course, Freshmen need pay no further attention to the matter of distribution, as the four military courses combined with English A, will entirely cover this requirement. This will leave any student taking the military course only the matter of concentration to attend to.
Military Science 1, the course open to Freshmen, will include theoretical and practical field artillery, materiel and gunnery, hippology, and motor mechanics, which will amount to a total of three hours of lectures each week. The theoretical instruction in materiel will include a study of the part that various types and calibers of guns played in the recent war, and the possibilities of these guns. A thorough study of at least one example of each type of gun, rifle and howitzer will be made.
The gunnery course is preliminary to the course in Artillery Firing and Conduct of Fire. Taking up first the angular and lineal measurements of both the English and metric systems, and their
relations to field artillery, the work will pass on to the drill of the firing battery, and the duties in detail of the members of the gun squad.
Hippology and Motor Mechanics.
Hippology will cover the anatomy of the horse, his points, conformation of different types, diseases of the horse and treatment for their cure. Motor mechanics will be the study of various types of the gasolene engine, in order that the students will be able to run and repair all of the motors which are now at the University.
The course in military science will also be open, to Sophomores, to whom it will be given in a more concentrated form, so that they may receive in three years practically as much instruction as the Freshmen will receive in four. The complete course offered to Sophomores will count four credits toward the degree. By omitting theoretical hippology and motor mechanics and by substituting military law and ordnance, a half-year will be gained