
Members of New Committee Chosen

The make-up of the University Committee on Foreign Students, which is to act as an advisory body to all foreign students, has been selected, and is composed of the following professors and students.

Mr. Matthew Luce '91 (Regent), chairman; Powers Hapgood '21, secretary Harvard Mission; Prof. W. E. Hocking, '01, Japanese; Prof. J. H. Woods '87, Hindus and Stamese; Prof. R. B. Merriman '96. Europeans and Miscellaneous; Mr. E. B. Drew, Chinese; Prof. J. Klein, Latin Americans; Prof. E. C. Moore, Cosmopolitan Club; C. C. Lowe 2G.B. (China), Pres. Cosmopolitan Club; J. V. Manach '21 (Cuba), Student Council; H. D. White '21, Student Council Phillips Brooks House.
