Ground was broken yesterday for the construction of the Temporary Freshman Athletic Building on Holyoke street across from Standish Hall. This Building, together with the Randolph Gymnasium, will constitute the equipment for indoor exercise in connection with the Freshman compulsory athletics system.
It will contain a large room to be used for indoor handball, basketball, and other indoor games requiring considerable space. The room will be 46 by 80 feet, and the two other rooms will measure each 20 by 30 feet. The latter are to be equipped for fencing, boxing and wrestling, where classes of Freshmen may be instructed. Under these rooms artillery equipment is to be stored. Shower baths, lockers, and an office will complete the interior of the building.
On the outside, at each end of the structure, will be built an outdoor and ball court with concrete floor. These courts will be used in preference to the indoor courts except in inclement weather. Mr. William H. Geer, Director of the Department of Physical Training, announced that the new building will be ready for occupancy about the middle of November and that it will cost approximately $40,000.
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