

Membership Fee of $5 Within Reach of All Undergraduates.

When the Union opens its doors to members of the University next Monday, for the first time since the war, it will be run on a club basis. So far as is known it will be a unique institution in that no other college in the country maintains a social club for which all undergraduates are eligible.

During the summer the University has, at no small expense, remodelled and greatly improved the interior of the building. Furthermore, the membership fee has been reduced from ten to five dollars in order to put it within reach of all members of the University. It is expected that the funds put into the Union by the College will serve to make it a common meeting ground for all Harvard men in Cambridge. One of the important functions of the club will be to draw together the College and the Graduate Schools. To this end a number of rooms for students of the Business School have been fitted up on the third floor.

A still more important feature of the Union will be the welding together of undergraduates and it is hoped that this aim may be achieved by (1) a restaurant open to all members of the Union where the quality at the food will be the first consideration and (2) various lectures by men of national and international prominence. The usual club privileges of signing for meals singly or by the week will be accorded members of the Union. Applications for membership may be made now at the office of the Graduate Manager, though all members of the University will be admitted to the building until October 4.
