
Harvard Casualties

The following casualties have been received by the University War Records Office since the closing of the spring term of College:

Candidate Paul Bond Collins, LL.B. '08, F. A. C. O. T. S., died of pneumonia at Camp Zachary Taylor, Louisville, Kentucky, on November 11, 1918.

Captain Morton C. King '14, 165th Depot Brigade, died at Camp Travis, Texas, May 10, 1919.

Private Edward Alfred Rogers, Law '15-'16, Ambulance Corps, died of pneumonia at Camp Grant, Rockford, Illinois, on October 1, 1918.

Private Samuel Vaughan Selby, D.M.D. '15. Australian Expeditionary Forces, was killed in action at Passchendaele, France, on October 12, 1917.


Captain Jolin Cuthbert Stairs. Law '13-'14, Canadian Expeditionary Forces, was killed in action at Courcelette. France, on September 15, 1916.

First Lieutenant Emenuel R. Wilson, Law '13-'14, Twenty second Infantry, died of pneumonia at Crouse Irving Hospital, Syracuse, N. Y.

First Lieutenant Leonard Bacon Parks, LL.B., '12, 112th Engineers, died of pneumonia at Camp Sheridan. Montgomery, Ala October 29 1917.

Chester Robinson Tutein, Eng.14-17, 185th Aero Squadron, First Pursuit Group, A.E.F., was killed in an aeroplane accident at Bar-le Duc, France, on November 17, 1918.

Yale is planning to build a new $5,000,000 library out of the bequest of John W. Sterling.
