


The fall competitions for positions on the business, photographic, news and editorial staffs of the CRIMSON will begin next week. Candidates for the business end will be called out first. They should report at the CRIMSON Building, 14 Plympton street, Monday evening, September 22, at 7.30 o'clock. Photographic candidates are to report at the CRIMSON Building Wednesday evening, September 24, at 7.30 o'clock, while those who intend to enter the news or editorial competitions should report Friday, September 26, at the same hour.

The work of the various departments will be explained in detail at these meetings of candidates. Those who come out early will have an opportunity to secure extra credit before the start of their competitions. The positions on the business, photographic, and news ends are open to Sophomores only, and only Juniors are eligible to try out for the editorial department. Freshmen cannot compete for the Board until next spring. Each of the present competitions will last approximately twelve weeks.

Business candidates will be able to secure not only practical training in business and advertising methods but also will be given a chance to become acquainted with leading concerns in and near Boston. Besides securing advertisements, they will also be expected to solicit subscriptions and perform a small amount of clerical work.

The work of the news department consists in gathering and writing up news in suitable form, and in doing this work the candidate is brought into contact with practically all the activities of the University and the men engaged in them.

Ability to write clear, logical, and forceful editorials in good English will be of advantage to editorial candidates. In the photographic competition valuable experience in newspaper photography may be gained. All cameras, darkroom equipment, etc. will be supplied by the CRIMSON. A new developing room where candidates may develop and print the pictures they have taken, has just been installed in conjunction with the new photographic department. Election to this staff of the CRIMSON will be based on the number of photographs each candidate has in the bi-weekly supplement.
