A Reserve Officers' Training Camp, open to the students of the various universities and colleges throughout the country will start at Camp Devens on June 21 and will last six weeks. Carfare to and from the camp, subsistence during the period of instruction, uniforms and the necessary equipment will be furnished by the government. Because the members of the camp will not be regularly enlisted men of the army, however, they will receive no pay.
The camp will be at all times under strict military discipline, and week-end passes will be issued only under exceptional circumstances. A feature of the camp will be the target practice which will be held during all of the six weeks instead of being concentrated at the end of the period as has formerly been the custom. This training will form excellent preparation for the National Rifle matches which will be held at the navy Rifle Range, Caldwell, N. J., after the close of this camp. At this competition students will be furnished with rifles and ammunition but will be required to pay for their board at the rate of sixty cents a day.
Ample Provision for Recreation.
In addition to the range practice at Camp Devens, instruction will be given in bayonet work by specially qualified instructors. Ample provision has also been made for recreation and amusement. Baseball diamonds and tennis courts are being put into shape, and teams will be organized from the various companies to compete in the different sports. Aquatic sports will also be held, as Hell Pond offers excellent bathing facilities.
At the Camp Liberty Theatre there will be a Keith's Circuit performer once a week. Movies are to be given twice a week at the eleven Y. M. C. A. huts, and besides these, there are five K. of C huts, a Jewish Welfare House and a Hostess House. Suitable buildings are being prepared within the camp are for the use of relatives and guests of the students.
All students attending the camp will be examined as to their physical condition, and any illness developing at the Camp will receive the attention of the army physicians. Any serious illness will be treated at the Base Hospital.
Upon the completion of the Camp, the Camp Commander will issue to each student who has successfully completed the course of instruction a certificate of proficiency. Under "Remarks" there will be entered a statement as to whether the student is considered as being good material for further training and for a commissioned rank.
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