
Examination Schedule

The following final examinations in all courses conducted by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences will be given today and Monday: Today. 9.15 A. M. Anthropology 2,Peabody Mus. Astronomy 2,  Emerson J Chemistry E: Angier to Hubbard, inclusive,  Pierce 202 Jeffries to Wolcott, inclusive,  Pierce 304 Chemistry 8: Allen to Kurtz, inclusive,  Sever 5 Lapham to Hungblut, inclusive,  Sever 6 Economics A: Dr. Munroe's sections, B, F,  New Lecture Hall Dr. Tucker's sections H, I, J,  New Lecture Hall Mr. Lincoln's sections C, G,  Harvard 2 Mr. Feis's section D,  Harvard 3 Dr. Burbank's section A,  Harvard 5 Mr. laptorte's section K,  Harvard 5 Mr. Feis's section E, L,  Harvard 6 Economics 4b,  Zool. Lect.-rm. Education 12a,  Sever 23 Engin. Sciences 7a,  Sever 23 English 41,  Emerson D Fine Arts 1a,  Fogg Lect. rm. French 1 Dr. Hawkins--I,  Emerson A Mr. Place--III,  Emerson F French 13,--  Sever 29 Government 4,  Sever 35 Greek BII,  Sever 30 Greek 15,  Sever 30 History 56: Allen to Howe, inclusive,  Sever 17 Huang to Rowse, inclusive,  Sever 18 Sachar to Zuoker, inclusive,  Sever 23 Italian 1,  Sever 29 Italian 10,  Sever 29 Mathematics 1 B,  Sever 36 Mathematics II D,  Sever 36 Mathematics 5,  Sever 35 Spanish 8,  Sever 30 Monday, June 9. Astronomy 2a,  Sever 30 Education 3a,  Sever 29 Engin. Sciences 5,  Pierce 304 English 28: Adams to Cutter, inclusive,  Sever 20 Dana to leland, inclusive,  Sever 23 Magruder to Wrenn, inclusive,  Sever 24 English 33,  New Lect. Hall Fine Arts 5c,  Fogg Lect.-rm. French 5 II,  Emerson A French 6: Adams to Dunning, inclusive,  Sever 5 Ellis to Koch, inclusive,  Sever 6 Lewis to Woodwell, inclusive,  Sever 11 German 1a, II,  Sever 17 German 4,  Sever 18 German 32,  Emerson J Government 12,  Sever 17 Greek 2,  Sever 18 Greek 6,  Sever 18 History 12: Ahlers to Dowd, inclusive,  Harvard 3 Draper to Zobel, inclusive,  Harvard 6 History of Science 1,  Emerson J Mathematics II C,  Harvard 5 Mathematics III D,  Harvard 5 Mathematics 13,  Harvard 3 Music 4: Andelman to Ellinger, inclusive,  Sever 29 Farrar to Merten, inclusive,  Sever 35 Miller to Zach, inclusive,  Sever 36 Palacontology 1,  Pierce 202 Philosophy 4,  Emerson F Physics 4a,  Emerson J Physics 5,  Emerson J Romance Philology 3,  Emerson J Social Ethics 1,  Emerson D Zoology 1: Abrams to Sands, inclusive,  Zool. Lect.-rm. Seegal to Worcester, incl.,  Pierce 202
