

The Associated Harvard Clubs, whose delegates meet in Buffalo tomorrow for their annual two-day business session and outing, represent an organized alumni backing more powerful than that possessed by any other university in the world. Banking, the professions, and all branches of business and trade in all of America's larger cities will be represented in this gathering of Harvard men. And from the University's viewpoint, the most significant thing about their meeting is that it has not been called together to discuss the business, banking or professional problems of the nation, which, as a body of representative Americans it could face as well as any other. It has been called together expressly for the purpose of extending and binding still closer the ties of a nation-wide alliance of fellowship and congeniality which includes all Harvard men.

It gives on a vast sense of security in considering the future of Harvard to remember that this large group of influential leaders in the life of many cities is meeting simply and solely to discuss matters which centre around the University. Surely no conceivable material harm can possibly overtake an institution which possesses such support. Undergraduates can prove that they deserve that support only by keepting alive in Cambridge that greatness of spirit which has always distinguished Harvard institutions and which is theirs to pass on.

Confident that they will accomplish great things, we wish the delegates of the Associated Harvard Clubs, all success in their deliberations.
