


HARVARD.  BROWN. Hallowell, c.f.  s.s., Porter Emmons, s.s.  c.f., Peckham Perkins, 3b.  r.f., Brisk Knowles, l.f.  2b., Coulter King, 1b.  1b., Weeks Frothingham, r.f.  l.f., Hall Blair, c.  3b., Nelson McLeod, 2b.  c., Erickson Hardell, p.  p., Knight

This afternoon at three-thirty o'clock the University baseball team will meet Brown at Soldiers Field in an attempt to compensate for the 5-2 defeat of Memorial Day and to even up the series with the Providence nine. Coach Duffy will send his men into the contest with only one change in the line-up. H. P. King '21 will be back at first base, replacing E. L. Bigelow '21, who played there in the first Brown game.

E. S. Hardell '21 will be on the mound for the University, opposing R. Knight, pitcher, for the visitors. Knight is the best pitcher of the Providence aggregation, and has been in the box in nearly all of their important contests, including both games with Yale, and the Memorial Day contest with the University.

The Brown nine which meets the University for the second time this afternoon, is one of the strongest baseball teams in New England. With nine veterans on the squad, every one of the infield positions is covered by an experienced man. Yale has twice gone to defeat before the Brown attack, by scores of 2-1, and 5-1. In addition to the Eli nine, Trinity, Rhode Island State, Amherst, Columbia, New Hampshire State, and Holy Cross have succumbed to the Brunonians. However, Holy Cross, in its return game, and the Boston Braves have scored victories over today's visitors.

In the game of May 30, the University batters out-hit the Brown players, but went down to defeat through defensive weakness. A stiffening of the work in the field will make today's contest a close battle.
