

Once more Harvard is to be represented in France, but this time in the field of sport, not of war. The news that two University track athletes are to sail for France today to take part in the Inter-Allied track meet has been the cause of much comment among undergraduates. The latter not only envy the men selected but they are proud that out of the fifty men chosen to represent the United States, two are from Harvard.

In the last five years the name of Harvard has been indelibly impressed upon the minds of the people of France. First it appeared in the form of the Harvard Ambulance, then the Harvard Surgical Unit. After our entry into the war the country saw an ever increasing number of Harvard officers and men. As we were told the other day by one who had been there, a Harvard newspaper was sold in various places in Paris. We have shown France what the University could do in times of war; we are now keeping the memory of our name warm.
