

Dean Gallishaw Classes Issue as Index of Undergraduate Opinion.

The Class Day number of the Harvard Advocate peculiarly interesting as an index of the reaction of a group of representative undergraduates to the force now stirring the world. In this number the present widespread social and political unrest is ascribed to various causes, among which Mr. Colby '21 emphasizes the dearth of old fashioned orthodox religion. He sees possibilities of license in the present opportunities for liberty of speech and opinions in this country, and points out the dangers we face through lack of some central autocratic fear-inspiring authority.

MacVeagh Attacks Peace Conference.

Mr. MacVeagh believes with O. Henry that a dream is a vehicle for literary effect which is always convenient, conventional and unassailable. In this way he launches a spirited attack on Mr. Wilson, the Peace Conference, and all who feel like letting the Germans down lightly, in a way that would delight an Old Guard Republican. He leaves no doubt in the mind of the reader as to his political leanings.

Mr. Mister in "The Nude Romance" makes an amusing attempt at parody some of the material which has appeared in recent numbers of the Harvard Magazine. That sort of thing calls for a facile pen and wit of a high order. Mr. Mister gives promise of cultivating or acquiring these by dint of much practice. Although he is far from expert now, his work shows much promise, and even a poor attempt is better than none. Such parodies do much toward stimulating a healthy rivalry, in the same way that Zeppelin raids during the war were almost invariably followed by a rush to the colors.

Mr. Wheelwright with memory of the snubs of his coltish Freshman year fresh in his memory has turned his lament into light verse which is very amusing and which will be appreciated by most undergraduates.


Stories Interesting to Read.

The stories are pleasant reading and evidence technique and training. Mr. LaVarre's tale of the night with the Bovianders is rich in local color, and resounds with the beating of barbaric drums, is redolent of gin, and in its portrayal of a quaint marriage ceremony is excellently conceived. By far the best work in the entire number is Mr. Spaulding's "Fancy." This is evidently the work of a man with no mean literary talent. Next year under the stimulus of competition from the Harvard Magazine, combined with the more liberal policy which Mr. Garrison is expected to inaugurate, and contributions from men of such promise as Mr. Spaulding, the Harvard Advocate should reach the pinnacle of its ambition. JOHN GALLISHAW.
