

Commencement this year means the commencement of life and its active affairs. You must shortly make vitally important decisions. Have you ever thought of entering the field of finance as a profession? There is no occupation more dignified, more remunerative. It is probably true that more high-calibre men are entering the financial field than any other, and that many men, some of them trained in the professions, are are leaving their callings to enter upon this work. The reason is found in the fact, that opportunities for affluence and development are greater along financial lines than along any other. Returns to the government on income tax statements show that a greater percentage of men in the province of finance pay income taxes than in any other line of endeavor. A moment's through as to who were the leaders in your own community will emphasize this point.

There is always a great economic need for fresh capital, and just now the work of supplying enterprise with needed money, by reason of post-war conditions, takes on new importance. We are the largest house of our kind in America, handling only the cleanest, high-grade financial investments. The sales capacity of the house runs into millions annually. It has twenty-two branch offices and plans to expand to a total of seventy-five branches. We have forty thousand clients. Our aim is to increase this to one hundred thousand within a year. The last enterprise handled by us was a $17,500,000 proposition, and the current one has for its ultimate aim a capitalization of fifty millions.

Our company, young, virile, successful, is growing rapidly. It now numbers several hundred employees. The ultimate number will approximate one thousand. We are seeking to build with high-grade material, men who can become an organic part of this great company. Your education and training, no matter along what lines it may have followed, can be utilized and speedily capitalized. No previous financial experience is necessary. A week or ten days should suffice to start you upon a satisfactory earning basis.

Do you see your opportunity here--opportunity with a Big "O?" We are earnestly seeking young men of capacity and capability whom we can develop into big-income units in our organization. If you are twenty-three years or over and are looking for the right sort of financial connection, we shall be glad to talk it over with you. You are asked to invest nothing but your time and ability. Of course your character and references must be satisfactory. If you are interested in an unusual chance, write for appointment to. SUPERINTENDENT,   2020 TRINITY BUILDING,   111 BROADWAY, NEW YORK
