
Ushers Meet at 9.15 Tomorrow

All ushers and assistant head ushers for Class Day should report at Harvard 2 tomorrow morning at 9.15 to receive badges and final instruction regarding their duties during the day. All ushers and assistant head usher are to report again at headquarters at 1.20 P. M. to clear the Yale.

All men who are to usher should consult the list which is posted on all the university bulletin boards to find out at what time they are expected to be on hand. The ushers will assist at Sanders Theatre in the morning and in the Stadium in the afternoon besides being on duty in the Yale throughout the day.

W. P. Belknap, Jr., '20 will be head usher at the exercises tomorrow. J. C. Bolton '20, J. G. Coolidge '20, J. Otis '20, E. W. Pavenstedt '20, J. V. Spalding '20, and N. S. Walker '20 will act as assistant head ushers.
