

Equipment of Each Delegate Includes Complete Athletic Outfit.

The members of the University delegation to the Northfield Conference will meet at track 13 in the North Station next Friday morning at 10.45 o'clock. If 40 men buy tickets for the train leaving a half hour later, special car will be attached and reserved exclusively for the delegation.

The fare is $3.89 to East Northfield, the station nearest to the scene of the Conference. All men purchasing one way tickets should be sure to ask for a certificate, as this will enable them to obtain a return ticket for $1.30.

Each member of the delegation is expected to take with him, besides his personal belongings a track, tennis, or baseball outfit, and white duck hat. Men who own banners, musical instruments, or song books are urged to take these also.

The address of those attending the conference will be; Care of Harvard Delegation, Student Conference, East Northfield, Mass.
