

President Lowell to Speak at Formal Opening of Commencement.

Commencement week will be formally opened tomorrow afternoon when President Lowell will deliver the Baccalaureate Sermon to the members of the Senior class in Appleton Chapel.

The Seniors will assemble in the Yard in front of Holworthy at 3.30 o'clock dressed in caps and gowns. The class will then march two abreast, headed by the First Marshal and the Chairman of the Class Day Committee between Thayer and University Halls to Appleton Chapel. The First Marshal and the Chairman will march to the front of the Chapel and then turning will walk back, dividing the Seniors into the pews as they go. They then return to the front pew and at a signal from the Chairman, the class sits down.

The whole floor will be reserved solely for Seniors, with the exception of a few seats for officers of the University. Undergraduates and visitors will be admitted only to the gallery of the Chapel during the services.
